Join Jen Research Group
We are recruiting PhD students, research assistants and postdoctoral fellows all year round! Potential applicants with a background in Chemistry, Physics, Materials, Electronics and Automation are welcome!
Sent directly to Prof. Jen: alexjen@cityu.edu.hk or Dr. Francis Lin: franclin@cityu.edu.hk
Related Schemes and programs:
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
Highly qualified candidates are encouraged to apply for the Hong Kong PHD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), which aims at providing strong support to the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities. The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$322,800 (approximately US$41,400) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,500 (approximately US$1,730) per year for each awardee for a period up to three years. For awardees who need more than three years to complete the PhD degree, additional support may be provided by the chosen universities. For details, please contact the universities concerned directly.
CityU Presidential PhD Scholarship
Prospective students are those who:
were given admission offers for PhD study by global top universities but have not yet accepted/have declined the offers;
demonstrate outstanding academic performance, research ability/potential, communication and interpersonal skills and leadership abilities.
Each Presidential PhD Scholarship awardee will receive the following:
scholarship of HK$26,900 per month for the 4-year PhD study;
tuition grant supported by the University to cover 50% of the tuition fee (full fee is HK$7,016 per month) for the 4-year PhD study. The students will only be required to pay tuition fee of HK$3,508 per month; and
research-related travel allowance of HK$8,000 per month, up to 12 months, in support of the student’s visits to overseas universities for research related work.
All awardees will be eligible to apply for the University’s financial awards and assistance offered to regular non-UGC full-time PhD students, such as Conference Grant. The award is renewed on a yearly basis and subject to satisfactory study progress.
Postgraduate Studentship
The Postgraduate Studentship is granted on the basis of academic merit. Full-time research degree students who have obtained at least a bachelor’s degree with upper second class honours (or equivalent) or a good master’s degree before admission are eligible to apply for the Studentship. The Studentship rate for 2020/21 is HK$17,510 per month (~US$2,245). The maximum award period is up to 2 years for full-time MPhil students and 4 years for full-time PhD students (irrespective of their entry qualifications). Studentships are subject to revision in September each year, and any revision to the rate will apply to both current and new students. The Studentship award period should not exceed students’ stipulated study period. All candidates are eligible to apply for government-funded places which are supported by UGC/government funds. Government-funded students will be eligible for consideration of various financial awards funded by UGC/government funds.
RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme
Talents with excellent scientific and research skills can be nominated by university for the PDFS fellowship in support of full-time employment of postdoctoral fellow for research projects/activities. For each awardee, the supporting university will receive an annual stipend of HK$406,550 per year for the awardee’s basic salary as well as a conference and research-related travel allowance (of HK$12,920 per year inclusively).
Hong Kong Scholars Program:
Highly qualified PhD degree holders and scholars can also apply for the Hong Kong Scholars Program (香江學者計劃), which provides support to postdoctoral fellows to carry out high-level research work particularly in experimental science and engineering disciplines.