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JEN GROUP encompasses a number of state-of-the-art processing and characterization facilities for research activities in Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Optoelectronic Devices, and Semiconducting Physics, enabling cutting-edge research at the frontier of Science and Technology.
Facilities for materials synthesis & characterizations
![]() Vigor glove box (For storing sensitive chemicals)The Vigor glovebox is mainly composed of display system, transfer chamber, vacuum system, control system, box, circulation purification regeneration system components, which provide an anhydrous and anaerobic environment with water content ≤1ppm & oxygen content≤1 ppm. | ![]() EYELA PSL-1820EYELA PSL-1820 is a low temperature bath with magnetic stirrer, which is suitable for organic synthesis. It can reach a low temperature of -80 ℃, and solve the long-term and stable temperature control that cannot be satisfied by dry ice, acetone and ice. | ![]() Welltech solvent purification systemSolvent purification system allows for air-free collection of ultra-dry and de-oxygenated solvents, while eliminating cross-diffusion of solvent vapors. |
![]() Agilent 1260 Infinity II High-Temperature GPC SystemThe Agilent 1260 Infinity II High Temperature GPC System is a fully automated chromatograph designed specifically for Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC) / Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC). The instrument features a 40-position carousel, high sensitivity refractive index detector and a reliable isocratic solvent delivery system. The open architecture of the column oven enables multi-detection options both inside and outside of the oven. | ![]() CEM Discover Microwave SynthesizerThe Discover provides an economical, robust platform for heating sealed pressure vessels with the power of microwave energy. Access temperatures and pressures up to 300 °C and 300 psi for the highest purity synthetic results. | ![]() Hei-VAP Advantage (For evaporating the solvent)The Hei-VAP advantage rotary evaporator is used for your routine distillation applications and reproducible results. We have six rotary evaporators and three condensing units. |
![]() METTLER TOLEDO TGAThermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) is a technique to characterize materials composition by measuring the weight change of a sample as it is heated, cooled, or held at constant temperature. It can be applied for various materials including plastics, elastomers and thermosets, mineral compounds, and ceramics as well as a wide range of analyses in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. | ![]() METTLER TOLEDO DSCDifferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is the most frequently used thermal analysis technique. DSC measures enthalpy changes in samples due to changes in their physical and chemical properties as a function of temperature or time. | ![]() CH InstrumentsThe Model 600E series is designed for electrochemical measurements. The system contains a fast digital function generator, a direct digital synthesizer for high frequency ac waveforms, high speed dual-channel data acquisition circuitry, a potentiostat, and a galvanostat (available only in select models). The instrument is capable of a wide variety of electrochemical techniques, and is available with integrated simulation and fitting software functions for both impedance and cyclic voltammetry. |
Facilities for optoelectronic device fabrication (lab-scale & upscaling)
![]() Glovebox equipped with spin-coater and thermal evaporatorThe glovebox system is for device fabrication including solution process and vacumm-based deposition, and device characterization. It minimize points of leakage and maintains the working atmosphere to <1 ppm O2 and H2O. | ![]() Thermal evaporation systemThermal evaporation is a physical vapor deposition technique for solar cell fabrication. During this process, a material in a high-vacuum environment is heated to its evaporation point by joule heating of the resistive boat in which it is located. The vaporized molecules then travel from the source to the substrate where they nucleate together, forming a thin film coating. A wide variety of materials can be deposited using this technique such as organic materials and metal electrodes. | ![]() Atomic layer deposition (ALD) systemThe ALD system is capable to generate dense, conformal and pinhole-free layers for organic and perovskite solar cells. On one hand, we fabricate electron transporting layers (SnO2, ZnO), hole transporting layers (NiO) using the ALD system. On the other hand, Al2O3 layer is also fabricated using ALD for solar cell encapsulations. |
![]() Doctor-blade coating system (ERICHSEN)The doctor-blading system is a popular thin-film fabrication technique for both organic solar cells and perovskite solar cells. It involves a running blade over the substrate. the small gap between the blader and substract determines the thickness of the deposited thin films. | ![]() Slot-die coating systemSlot-die coating is a technique where solution is directly coated onto the substrate through a coating “head”. By changing the precursor solution in the "head", it enables the fabrication of both organic layers and perovskite layers. The wet film thickness is determined by the amount of solution placed onto the substrate, blader gap, and coating speed. One of the most attractive features is that it can be used in roll-to-roll processing for manufacturing. | ![]() Laser patterning systemA high geometrical fill factor (GFF) is required to achieve high-performance solar modules. Our laser system provides a state-of-the-art laser patterning technique with nanosecond pulsed laser light sources (532 nm, 10 W) to make the P1-3 lines. Furthermore, the advanced camera in the laser patterning system allows an ultrahigh GFF exceeding 98% with the width of dead area less than 200 μm. |
Facilities for thin-film & device characterizations
![]() Bruker Dektak XT stylus profilometerBruker stylus profilometer provides repeatable, reliable, and accurate measurements from traditional step height measurements and 2D roughness surface characterization. DektakXT surface profilers have been widely used for measuring thin-film thickness and surface roughness of both organic semiconducting materials and organic-inorganic perovskite materials. | ![]() Ellipsometer (Unisel Plus)The ellipsometer is used to analyze thin film structural and optical properties including thickness, segregation of multicomponent films, and complex refractive indices. The spectral range from 190 nm to 2100 nm is covered by two configurations: 190–920 nm and a NIR extension up to 2100 nm. Features for thin film measurements include microspots for patterned samples down to 50 µm, variable angle from 40° to 90°, an automatic horizontal mapping stage and a variety of accessories. | ![]() Ocean optics SpectrometersOcean optics flame spectrometer installed in black-box with light source provides optical measurements of thin-film samples within UV-Visible range (200-850 nm) including absorption, transmitance, and reflectance. It can be further applied for steady-state photolumnence (PL) measurement with intergration of laser excitation. |
![]() Solar simulator (Enlitech SS-F5)SS-F5 Solar simulator adopted a Xe short-arc lamp as the broadband light source. Xe lamp has 6000K color temperature which is closest to nature sunlight (5500K). It not only utilizes optical simulation software to simulate the optical and mechanical system design, but also adopt Fourier-optics technology to generate the spatial uniform irradiance, which has been used in semiconductor mask aligner with excellent prove. | ![]() Newport solar simulator for modules (94063A)The 94063A is the Sol3A Class AAA Solar Simulator with a 1000 Watt Xenon, Ozone Free source illuminated over a 6 inch x 6 inch area. The 94063A is certified to standards for Spectral Match, Non-Uniformity of Irradiance, and Temporal Instability of Irradiance. This model uses a single lamp design to meet not one or two, but all three performance criteria without compromising the 1 SUN output power, providing true Class AAA performance. | ![]() LED solar simulator (WaveLab SINUS-70))The SINUS-70 is the ideal solar simulator for R&D. Full control across a very broad spectrum allows researchers to analyze the performance of solar cells by varying the spectrum. Its nearly perfect silulation of the sun's spectrum enables the measurements for solar cell efficiency and long-term stability. |
![]() FTPS-EQE ( with an external detector)In semiconductor devices, imperfect crystallinity often causes defect or trap states in the forbidden bandgap, which greatly affect the overall optical and electrical performance of the device. Because the absorption coefficient in the bandgap is extremely low, the generated photocurrent signal is extremely weak as well. Therefore, a highly-sensitive detection system is required. Enlitech‘s FTPS is a highly sensitive photocurrent and external quantum efficiency (HS-EQE) spectroscopy system. | ![]() QE-R system for EQE and IQE (DC bias and Light bias) (Enlitech)QE-R quantum efficiency system is a PV cell tester which can provide cell’s EQE. IPCE, IQE and spectral response data accurately and rapidly. The quantum efficiency information provided by QE-R quantum efficiency system is commonly used by PV researchers to illustrate and study the device design, device performance, process improving, material bandgap, impurity or trap. | ![]() REPS (Enlitech)To increase the open-circuit voltage (Voc) of solar cells to Shockley-Queisser limit. REPS is a complete system that can help scientists measure, calculate, and analyze the Voc loss in the working solar cells, and give the process improving idea for the next step. REPS not only can detect the extremely low EL-EQE signal (as low as 10-5%, which is 7 orders of magnitude), but can also calculate thermodynamic Voc, radiative recombination Voc, and non-radiative recombination Voc. |
![]() All-in-one solar cell and LED measurements (Paios)Paios performs a large variety of electrical and optical characterizations on organic, perovskite, and LEDs and solar cells with one click. Paios is suitable for the characterization of both solar cells and LEDs. | ![]() Signatone prob StationThe Signatone prob station will support a broad range of precision probing applications not only the IV, CV for devices, but also the sheet resistance mapping of thin films with a collinear 4-point probe, and temperature co-efficient of resistance (TCR) of thin films with collinear 4-point probe. | ![]() Semiconductor analyzer (Keysight B1500A)The Keysight B1500A semiconductor parameter analyzer is an all-in-one device characterization analyzer supporting IV, CV, pulse / dynamic I-V, and more. The mainframe and plug-in modules enable the characterization of most electronic devices, as well as materials, semiconductors, and active / passive components. |
![]() Environmental chamberThe environmental chamber is designed to simulate various climate conditions for device stability testing under different aging conditions. It provides the variation of temperature from -20 to +100oC, the variation of humidity from 20 to 98%RH, enabling the aging of optoelctronic devices under double 85 condition. | ![]() Solar cell lifetime testing systemThe JINGHE solar cell lifetime testing system is a customerized equipment, which includes a LED light source matched with AM1.5G spectrum (300-1100nm), device holders and source meter. The labview programs are customerized with three measurement modes including Voc mode, load ing mode and MPP mode. |
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